Working Together


Through deeper conversations, we walk through your goals—needs, wants, and wishes, together


We organize your financial life into 3 strategies: Liquidity—to help provide cashflow for short-term expenses (1-3 years) Lifetime—your needs, wants, and wishes, funded from year 4 through your lifetime; used to replenish the Liquidity Strategy Legacy—for your needs, wants, and wishes that go beyond your own


Together, we map out a comprehensive range of solutions addressing both sides of your balance sheet to help you pursue your goals at every phase of your life


Once we’ve agreed on the plan, we’ll help put it in motion


Working together, we can make any adjustments necessary as your life, financial circumstances, and goals change

The Broader Conversation Starts With Key Questions


What do you want to accomplish in your life?

… what are your short, medium and long-term goals?
… what tradeoffs are you willing to make?
… how do you define financial success?


What do you want your legacy to be?

… what portion of your wealth do you want to leave behind?
… how do you want to make a difference?
… what causes do you care most about?


How do you plan to achieve your life’s vision?

… who do you turn to for financial advice?
… do you have a financial plan?
… how do you track progress?


Who are the people that matter most to you?

… whom do you take care of financially?
… what more do you want to do for them?
… are they financially prepared for the future?


What are your main concerns?

… do you have enough wealth to achieve your goals?
… how do you decide between spending, saving, and investing?
… how do you manage financial risk and uncertainty?

The Broader Conversation Starts With Key Questions


What do you want to accomplish in your life?

… what are your short, medium and long-term goals?
… what tradeoffs are you willing to make?
… how do you define financial success?


Who are the people that matter most to you?

… whom do you take care of financially?
… what more do you want to do for them?
… are they financially prepared for the future?


What do you want your legacy to be?

… what portion of your wealth do you want to leave behind?
… how do you want to make a difference?
… what causes do you care most about?


What are your main concerns?

… do you have enough wealth to achieve your goals?
… how do you decide between spending, saving, and investing?
… how do you manage financial risk and uncertainty?


How do you plan to achieve your life’s vision?

… who do you turn to for financial advice?
… do you have a financial plan?
… how do you track progress?


Every family’s financial plan is unique, but most investment strategies are organized quite similarly. Instead of using “risk tolerance” as the primary guiding factor, our approach is built on the foundation of your financial objectives, which we allocate into three strategies.

The relative size of each strategy and the resources that they contain change throughout the investor’s life cycle.

Four distinct benefits to this approach:

  1. Improved performance relative to other approaches
  2. Segmenting helps manage through bear markets
  3. Enhanced focus on tax efficiency
  4. Applying behavioral finance can help achieve better performance

Early Career

Emergency Fund
Securities Backed Lending
Bond Ladders
Social Security Income
Pensions Income

Later Career

Earnings Potential
Retirement Savings
Disability Insurance
Growth Portfolio
Social Security
Pension or Annuity
Personal Residence and/or Mortgage
Long-Term Care Policy
Health Care Needs


Life Insurance
Aggressive Portfolio
Second Home and/or Mortgage
Concentrated Stock
Donor Advised Fund


Atlatl Advisers offers active and passive, discretionary and non-discretionary, investment management solutions.

We perform due diligence, recommend, structure access to, implement, and monitor a range of investment strategies across various asset classes, including institutional portfolio managers, alternative investments, and digital assets.

We tailor your portfolio holdings and optimize your diversification strategies to objectively match your financial plan. Our platform provides full holdings visibility with consistent and customized performance reporting capabilities.